World's Cheapest Tablet 'AAKASH' INDIA launched @ Rs 2276 Full Specifications, Features and review
Gadgets Features, Gadgets Reviews, Hidden Tips... 12:58 AM
World's Cheapest Tablet 'AAKASH' INDIA launched:
The Aakash is a 7” Android 2.2 touch screen tablet that has a HD video co-processor for a high-quality multimedia experience and core graphics accelerator for faster application support. The Aakash tablet is the only Android device in the market to offer DataWind’s UbiSurfer browser, based on 18 international patents. The UbiSurfer browser accelerates web pages by factors of 10x to 30x, allowing for a web experience who’s speed is unrivalled.
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Posted by Chaitu
on 12:58 AM.
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