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How To Generate SQL Insert Statement from Excel - QueryCell

If you want to Generate SQL Insert Statements using your excel columns then i think we have a very handy tool for us now called QueryCell. Today i had created almost 2000 lines of insert into SQL statements using the querycell, I am thinking about my situation if i had not get this wonderful sql query generator utility.

Generate SQL Insert Statement from Excel

QueryCell is a Plugin for Excel that allows you to query using SQL within the Excel application. It Supports Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010 also. It has the ability of Generating SQL Insert Statements for Excel Data. The SQL Generator comes free with QueryCell and allows you to generate SQL insert statements for excel data in seconds.

- First Download QueryCell. No need to give your email address.

- Close all running Microsoft Office Applications (word, excel,access, etc) and then run the QueryCell.exe file you have downloaded.

- Once the installation is complete open Microsoft Excel and you should see the QueryCell Icon on the Excel Menu.

- To open QueryCell in Microsoft Excel 2007 Click the QueryCell Tab and then the Open and Close Icon.

- QueryCell requires Windows XP or Vista and Microsoft Excel 2003 or Mircorosft Excel 2007.

Steps to follow To Generate SQL Insert Statement from Excel.

Step 1. Select the data and Click the 'SQL Inserts' Right Click Menu Item.

Select Columns and Right Click - SQL Inserts

Step 2. SQL Inserts Will be presented in a popup window.
Step 3. You can
  • Change the TARGET table name
  • Modify column names
  • Have some column values in quotes and others not
By either
  • Using simple Search and Replace (as shown in this slide)
  • Find and Replace String
  • By Modifying the Generator SQL (as shown in the next slide)
SQL Insert From Excel

Step 4. The 'View Generator SQL' button allows you to see the SQL that is being used to generate the SQL Insert statements.

SQL Generator

You can modify this SQL and then press the 'Regenerate the SQL Inserts Icon to generate the SQL with your modifications.

- This application is comes with 30 days License and if you want to purchase then price is $45.

So do you like this tool or not ??

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Posted by Chaitu on 11:52 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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