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Free Anna and Free India of Corruption -- amazing response!

Our campaign is on fire! 78,000 joined the call in just 12 hours. Let's reach 250,000 today and ramp up public pressure. Sign this urgent petition and send to everyone.

Dear friends,

It's outrageous! This morning, Anna Hazare was arrested as he set out to fast for the Jan Lokpal. The government is trying to repress our clamour to end coruption. Let's show the government we will not be silenced. Sign the urgent petition to free Anna and Free India of Corruption!

Sign the petition
It’s outrageous! Anna Hazare has been arrested and is being held in an undisclosed location. But as he was taken away he said:

"Don't let my arrest stop this movement. This is the nation's second struggle for freedom."

Let’s heed his call to action -- if we all now stand with Anna and show that we will not be silenced, we will force the government to free him and listen to the demands of the people.

Sign the urgent petition to PM Manmohan Singh and Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi to Free Anna, then send this to everyone -- it will be delivered directly to them:

The government is trying to repress our nation-wide clamour to end corruption. This morning Anna Hazare was arrested by plain clothes policemen as he set out to begin his fast in support of the Jan Lokpal Bill. His top aides were also arrested and reports say over 3,000 people are being held in Chhatrasal stadium. Now protests are exploding across the country.

This is a shocking response from the government -- instead of upholding our legal right to fast and protest, and supporting our demands to end corruption, it is clamping down on our democratic rights and illegally arresting our brave non violent leaders.

But we are millions and we are determined to rid this country of repression and corruption. Let’s show the government the power of people power. Sign the urgent petition to Free Anna and Free India of Corruption now and send this to everyone:

Today we all have a choice -- stand by and watch the government stifle our democracy, or join this national movement to free India from the poison of corruption. Let’s make sure we all stand on the right side of history -- join the urgent call to Free Anna and Free India of Corruption now.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Shibayan, Alice, Pascal and the entire Avaaz team

India corruption: Hundreds held over Hazare protest

Anna Hazare fasts in police detention 

Anna sent to 7-day judicial custody, taken to Tihar Jail

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Posted by Chaitu on 2:38 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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