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Tips to prepare for English Paper in Bank Exams

While looking at the bank exam question paper model,there is a section called ‘Test of English.This paper is often considered to be very easy but the questions are tricky, making all answers seem to be correct.It is always better to learn the basics of the language before taking up a test in it.

The common bank exam for PO posts is round the corner & its time to prepare for the objective test, which also includes English.The points that we should remember while taking up an english competitive test are -
1) Learn the basics and proper usage of grammar
2) Should avoid spelling mistakes
3) Make sure that the sentence formation are clear and concise

Grammatical errors are the most commonly made mistake in english tests.A small mistake in the grammar of an essay or an article can change the meaning of the sentence entirely.So it is important for anyone to spend some time in learning the usage of grammar.Those with high rate of speech are found to make most grammatical errors while writing.So think slowly & speak to yourself before writing on paper

Spelling mistakes have a great impact in the end result, which sometimes changes the meaning of the article.You need to be sure that whatever you write in an essay has got no spelling mistakes. If you have good command over english, then you can use different words to stand out from rest of the crowd.But it often advisable to use words which are known to you to avoid mistakes.

Sentence formation is an important factor,while writing the descriptive test in Bank exams , as all your thoughts and ideas can only be put forward easily if you’ve got the ability to form or to rephrase the sentence the right way. Sentence formation can only be improved if someone is ready to learn the way of speaking good English.

Books: Objective English (with basics & solved papers) – Rs.238 – Buy Online

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