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CBI Investigation: Mahesh Babu and Ram Charan Need to attend on 14 and 15 Dates of this Month

For CBI Investigation Ram charan and Mahesh babu with his wife need to attend on 14th and 15th dates.

Ram charan teja and mahesh babu are bought land form EMMAR propertys both are around 5000 acres are bought  From EMMAR propertys, it is learnt that the CBI is going to question Prince Mahesh Babu and his wife Namrata, Ram Charan Tej, Minister Galla Aruna Kumari’s daughter, Brahmani Steel officials and several others in the ongoing investigation against the real estate firm.

CBI is going to investigate is these people are only bought the land or any other relations were been between EMMAR and these people. 

Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar need to attend on : 14th
Ramcharan Teja Need to attend one : 15th

Let us see what will happen??

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